I kept yelling, Yeah, SCOTT!!!! While he was singing, Peter & I were waving his pictures up in the air. Jessica & Scott's duet was unbelievable.

My most anticipated part was when I met all the idols (minus Bo). Peter & I went upstairs, some VIP Lounge & it was a very nice setting. We ordered some wine at the bar while waiting for the idols to come. We went outside to get some fresh air cuz both of us felt a bit hot at the stadium with all those peopTo think that 5 days before the concert, I would sulk again in my "Loser's Box" section for not being able to participate in any of the tour events, bbq shindig in Cleveland or even a slight 5 second phone call from Scott. Luckily we found those "golden tickets" & immediately sent our payment through paypal. So here's a countdown to the main event:
Fri - 5 days before the concert - found those Golden Tickets online! chatted with the dawggies & Aunt Janet, requested some VIP passes.
Sat- 4 days before the concert - emailed the seller making sure the tickets were mailed promptly, went online & chat with the dawggies & Mamma Savol. She assured me that she'll take care of my passes & let Scott know.
Sun - 3 days before the concert - did some homework & printed some Idol pictures 5X7's for all & a couple of 8X10's for Scott. Made a fan with his closeup photos & pasted them(back to back).
Mon - 2 days before the concert - came home from work & rec'd a pick up notice from the post office.
Tues - 1 day before the concert - had to get up early to go to the post office & get those precious tickets before heading for work. After work I checked my camera, set of batteries, placed them all in a bag with the pictures in a folder & a box of macadamia nut chocolates to give to Scott.
Wed - concert day - still busy at work but managed to "keep cool" not showing too much excitement. Our last patient at 4pm was running late, (oh no!) Left work at 5:40pm, had to stop at Carl's to get something to eat. Heavy traffic (another oh no!!) able to get there about 10 mins before showtime. Yeah!!!
Found our seats, lights out & the AI music theme started playing. Noticed that people eat (a lot) like it's the end of the world, popcorn & other kinds of junk food you can find at the concession stand. Okay, Jessica's singing now, but people are still coming in the stadium, Can't see much, it was too fast & people just blocking my view going to their seats. Better take out my camera now. 1st shot, blurry (hmm, what happened here?) let's try another one, oh no! more blurry shots! Okay check the manual now. I should've studied this the night before but too late to whine now. Next up was Anwar. Still in the middle of my digital camera 101 (why are they f.... blurry?) More blurry Anwar shots. I better hurry up, Scott might be in any second.
Next was Constantine & the crowd just went wild. I adjusted something but don't know what I did, no picture came out! What the freak is going on? Ok, just calm down & read the manual more. The sound was too loud & the lights were too much, Peter had to put on some shades while he watched Constantine. Looking cool, dude! I think I got it, Next was Nikko & took some shots, looks ok now. He was hot with his moves! Where did he learn to do those struts? I should ask him later.
And now, Scott, good grief, I had enough time to figure out this stupid camera & took about 20 shots of him & with Jessica. People were still coming in & out with their food. Goodness! Let me enjoy Scott's singing & give me some view! Ok, I think I got a good shot of him...click, the security stood up & her picture was taken! My Lord, what luck I'm having! Scott kept going from one end of the stage to the other & so some of my pics he's just walking. The background screen had some of his Idol moments. I saw Mamma Savol's image during his audition. He was so cute & his voice was crisp & smooth. I kept yelling, Yeah, SCOTT!!!! While he was singing, Peter & I were waving his pictures up in the air. Jessica & Scott's duet was unbelievable. They sounded so great together. The guy 2 rows behind us was also rooting for him, "Go Scott!" He didn't do any comedy routine but sang a birthday song to someone name Selena at the audience. Lucky girl!
Next was Nadia, she was hot & did an awesome performance, she was really rocking & kicking & having a good time. Intermission. Time to head down to the loo. The lady in front of me said she thought Nadia was the best in the 1st half & Constantine's was just too loud.
Ok the big screen was showing pictures of celebrities at the red carpet & people were just screaming when Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston & Angelina Jolie's images were shown. People were still buying more junk food. Didn't they eat for 1 week or something?
Ok, lights out, the AI music playing now, here's the second half. Anthony came in, he had a good stage presence & sang Marc Anthony's song in Spanish! The people went wild again. He was very good. Solid voice & very handsome. He kept waving every now & then to the audience. Next up was Vonzell. She just had that sparkle when she came in. Very elegant in her yellow gown. The number with Anwar was cute, Anwar was studying her curves & she had to turn his cheeks the other way. They blended well. Ok, by now, I was wondering when my VIP tickets will be delivered.
Next was Bo & the crowd are now getting crazy. Lots of support for him. He came out with a cane. He sang his numbers pretty well. He's very humble & had that Southern twang when he was talking & his mane was just well kept & shiny. I told Peter, it's already Bo singing & our passes are not yet here, maybe we can ask one of the securities. His right injured foot was well wrapped & he had to rest them on top of the speaker while he played his electric guitar. He kept drinking his bottled water. He went from one end to the other when he sang his fast songs "Vehicle & Sweet Home Alabama." He was just hopping without any cane. You're such a pro & you work so hard Bo to give the crowd what they want. God Bless your heart, man! I think around this time, someone came up to us & gave us our precious passes. Never felt so relieved in my life. A couple more minutes & I get to see Scottie!!! Carrie was the last one out & she did her stuff until the group sang with her, then she did a duet with Bo. Then finally 2 more group songs. Lean On Me & Rock in the USA. Ok time to freshen up now & meet Scott at the lounge! le. When we got back inside, the first one I spotted was Cons with a group of people & then Nikko & so on. The following conversation took place at the meet & greet.
Cons: I'm here with my friends.
Oochie: Sorry to bother you, can you just sign this picture?
Cons: Oh sure, what's your name? (signing..). Where was this taken?
Oochie: It was at the BBQ in Cleveland.
Cons: Who else do you have in there? (curious at my folder)
Oochie: I got all of you here (opening the folder to show him) Scott's 8X10's were all over.
Nikko: Hey what's up?
Oochie: Hi Nikko, I enjoyed the show very much, do you mind signing this for me?
Nikko: Oh, you have 2 pictures of me! Great!
Oochie: Where did you learn how to dance?
Nikko: I was dancing first before I started singing.
Oochie: You always throw a cap, how many caps do you have?
Nikko: The Cardinals provide them for me, so they take care of those for me.
Peter: Are you from Texas?
Nikko: No, I'm from Missouri.
Peter: I went to a school there for 1 semester, Lafayette?
(there was this guy hanging around with Nikko & later on I asked him, aren't you from the Idol too? Yeah, I placed 16th. I love this man, pointing to Nikko) His name is David Brown. I had him sign the group picture as well. Darn, I forgot to have a picture with him. He wrote his website at the back of the picture though. Peter also talked about sports & football & he was thinking he's related to a football player with the last name Smith, later on I told him, not football, baseball. His father is the Hall of Famer, Ozzie Smith!
Oochie: Excuse me Nadia, can you sign this please?
Nadia: What's your name?
Oochie: Elizabeth
Nadia: Did I spell it right?
Oochie: Yes, thank you! You rocked that stage!
Nadia: Thank you.
(I asked one of the 2 women that was hanging out with her if she can take our picture & I said it twice but pretty much ignored me. When she asked her friend to pose with Nadia, Nadia turned & said to me, "You want a picture too right?" And asked that person to take it. She was just a sweetheart. She caught up on that snotty one.)
Then I spotted Scott but he was busy with other people so we wandered around & spotted Anwar. I kept telling Peter, to watch out for Scott & not lose him in case he leaves & we haven't met him yet. Poor Peter, he had the 2 drinks, a gift bag, following me around, until his wine spilled. Went to the bar to get some napkins & wiped the bag.
Oochie: Hi Anwar, you have a wonderful voice, I enjoyed all your songs. Can you sign this for me?
Anwar: I look tired in this picture.
Oochie: This was taken at the BBQ in Cleveland.
Anwar: Well, I'll just sign on my stomach, how's that?
(Anwar was very, very nice. Didn't get to hang out with him either, he was with some guys, probably old friends. Peter liked him a lot too.)
Oochie: Hi Carrie, can you sign here & can I have a picture with you?
Carrie: Okay.
(She's very pretty & a bit shy, I think. Later I spotted her again with a security hanging around some group & asked her to sign the group photo (Top 12 Tribute)
Oochie: I wrote this one about all of you.
Carrie: (took time to read it) That's cute.
Then I spotted Jessica but I didn't get to hang out with her that much. She was very pleasant & sweet though. I heard her say, "I need a drink too!"
Oochie: Hey Anthony, you sang in Spanish, where did you learn that?
Anthony: I've been singing in Spanish & Italian for a while now. I'm fluent in Spanish.
Oochie: I liked it a lot, it was great!
Anthony:: Thank you so much.
(Later I spotted Anthony again & asked him to sign the Top 12 Tribute group photo. I don't know how many times I made the rounds for all to sign the group photo & I wasn't sure if he even signed it or not so I asked him again where's his signature. He pointed out, "This one is me.")
Vonzell was the last one we saw. She was very tiny & so sweet.
Oochie: Hi Vonzell, you were wonderful! How's your dad?
Vonzell: Thank you so much, my dad's doing fine, thank you.
Oochie: I wrote this one about the Idols (Top 12 Tribute)
Vonzell: (also took time to read it) That's very nice! (giggling)
Peter: Can I have a picture with you too?
Vonzell: Oh sure.
(Peter & I love her. She was very sweet & so nice. Very genuine.)