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American Idol: Where Do I Start? by Cathy (Mamma) Savol


Updated: Dec 18, 2021

Scott’s message tonight was “Don’t be sad. My journey is just beginning.” So, for Scott, I ask all of you to be happy for him!

As many of you know, my son Scott was a contestant on the 2005 season of American Idol. Out of over 100,000 contestants, he came in 5th! The following was written by me, to Scott's fans, the night he was eliminated from American Idol, May 4, 2005:

Okay, where to begin? I guess at the beginning...

Last August my son and I took a 5-minute ride so he could pursue his dream. Little did I know that the 5-minute ride would end up lasting for 9 months! In those 9 months I think I have seen and heard it all! This has been the roller coaster ride of a lifetime! We rode to the top of the highest hills and took the steepest drops they had to offer. I have always loved roller coasters and this was one of the best. The difference is…this one stopped at the top of the hill!!!

Our family has been blessed in more ways than I can count during this journey! For all these blessings we truly thank God, who made this all possible. God was the conductor on this ride and He chose to stop it tonight. We willingly got off at this stop, but we’re not leaving the amusement park!!!

Scott’s message tonight was “Don’t be sad. My journey is just beginning.” So, for Scott, I ask all of you to be happy for him! I know some of you are feeling sad, angry and/or upset. I understand those feelings and have experienced them all (and not just tonight). Allow yourselves a good cry if needed, but dry your tears…you’ve not seen the last of Scott!

Be happy and be the true fans I know you are. There are still four other talented contestants on this show. They all have something in common with Scott. They are all chasing their dream. Please give them and their fans the respect they so deserve. Continue to make Scott and his family proud of his fans…you are truly the BEST!!!

We’ve met some very special friends that will always remain close to us and we’ve had some wonderful experiences that will live on in our hearts and memories forever.

Because I chose to be a part of Scott’s fan base by joining the Dawg Pound on these boards, I have seen the best of the best as well as the worst of the worst. I so loved reading all the wonderful messages to and about Scott. Often times I was amazed that people who had never met Scott personally had the ability to “see” the wonderful man he really is. You have great instincts and they were right!

To the people who posted negative thoughts, I truly hope that Scott leaving American Idol has brought you just a small amount of the happiness and joy we now have. We’ve taken the worst you had to offer, and we’re still standing! Scott is coming home…and we are waiting with bells on!!!

A few days ago someone posted “Hate cannot kill Love”. I would add to that “Hate only strengthens Love.” Some of you may know who I am, most of you don’t. Suffice it to say that I feel as if I “know” all of you and appreciate all your love and support for Scott and his family.

To all the Dawg Pound members, I say “THANK YOU” and to my sister, “Aunt Janet”, I say “ I LOVE YOU MORE THAN WORDS CAN SAY!”

And to all who take the time to read this lengthy post, I say “GOD BLESS”.


Proud Mom of Scott (Stacy, Michael and Patricia, too!)



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