I got excited & started writing "stuff" about what I think. Later on I was thinking, "Well, why not make a site for him, hmm?"
2005 was the year I got hooked up on American Idol. There was something about contestant # 502 that caught my attention. I never voted as hard, never was a fan, never met any Hollywood celebrity, in short, my life was just "average." I looked forward to watching my favorite idol, Scott Savol. It was the highlight of my week seeing him perform & rejoicing when he gets through the next phase up until he was voted off on May 2, 2005 making him the 5th Finalist for the season. The withdrawal symptoms were just unbearable. I never went to any boardrooms, chatrooms or any forums before but I felt that I need to find out more about this guy & if anyone else had the same thoughts. I just felt I need to "stay connected." It was Mother's Day 2005 that I came across Joe's Yahoo - Dawg Pound group & joined in. Someone in the group named Kathi wanted to do a scrapbook for him. I got excited & started writing "stuff" about what I think. Later on I was thinking, "Well, why not make a site for him, hmm?" That's a thought, a lot of research & work but, I said, "Well, I'll give it a try."
I wrote a summary of all his songs under the main title "Scott is My Idol." I somehow found Mamma Savol's email address & sent her a copy. I never expected that she would reply & would show it to Scott! Somewhere in the yahoo postings, I received Scott's reply! I was just on Cloud 9, WOW, he replied, his mom replied! How neat was that?
In July, my husband Peter & I went to Hawaii, I emailed Mamma Savol & asked her if I can send Scott an Aloha shirt. So that's what I did, looked all over the island for the best Aloha shirt for my idol. I emailed her when we got back & told her that it's in the mail & hope he gets it in time for his Cleveland concert on 8/2/05. I had one more favor to ask her, if Scott can wear it during his concert since it would mean a lot to me since I wasn't able to get any tickets at any of the remaining tour, thus won't be able to see him perform & just seeing him wear my Aloha shirt would be "enough" for me . She replied that the idols have a wardrobe consultant & have to get approval & most likely it won't be possible but she promised that when they have the BBQ at their place, she'll make sure that he wears it & gets a group picture. How true indeed, I checked my yahoo postings & there he was with his family & friends in my Aloha shirt. I was just in heaven! That made my day, my week!
My husband, Peter knew how much "gaga" I was for Scott & he surprised me one night & found 2 tickets to the LA concert (online). I immediately got in touch with Mamma Savol & Auntie Janet (in the chatroom) & asked if I can get 2 VIP passes. She assured me & said, "Elizabeth, that's all taken cared of." 8/17/05 was the day I finally met my idol face to face. It was an awesome feeling. I didn't want to be "too excited" so I just acted cool but deep inside, my heart was pounding so hard (wonder if he heard it?) We enjoyed our small talk with him, got my pictures signed, posed a couple of pictures with him too but the most wonderful feeling of all was "THE HUG" never had such warm, fuzzy, loving hug in my life before. It's the greatest feeling! Sure, I met the other idols (minus Bo) but that excitement didn't last long. I still feel his hugs, not just one, not just two but 3 long hugs! Can't get any better than that!
I was the envy of my friends, oh sure, they met him at the BBQ, met him at the Cleveland concert or other venues, but they were all excited for me cuz they knew how much I wanted this to happen & it did! By Oct, Cree organized a "Chat with Scott" I made sure I got home fast enough to catch the end tail of it. I've learned that he had other short concerts coming up & was always checking if anyone went to see him & most of all see any of his videos. Thanks to one wonderful "genius" in the Dawg Pound who happens to be from Ohio & was able to provide all of us with some of Scott's concert footage. His name is Tao Pan. He is just a "gift" from heaven!
By Nov, I emailed Mamma Savol about a kris kringle idea. In the Dawg Pound, Des was already spreading out the same thing! So those who were interested got to draw a number. Joe assigned the numbering. To my surprise, I didn't even know that Scott joined in at the last minute together with his sister Stacy. Des asked me one time if I wanted to know who my Secret Santa was & I said no, cuz I want it to be a surprise til the end. About a few days before Christmas, I received a picture card of Scott from Cree, I wanted to put it with the other cards that I received but it kept falling off, so I left it near our kitchen phone. I kept staring at the picture & had a thought, "What if he called? Oh, silly me, yeah right, Scott calling me, out of the blue." That night, I got a surprise call, "Elizabeth, it's Mamma Savol....can you hold on for just a minute?" Later on, I heard a low voice, "Hello, Hello" on the other line & I almost was speechless when Mamma Savol said, "Elizabeth, Scott is on the other line for you, he's your Secret Santa!" I felt like screaming to the top of my lungs for joy! This is just too good to be true! By the time Peter & I returned from our holiday trip, there it was, my Secret Santa's package waiting for me. Love the 2 Tom Hanks DVDs, my Secret Santa! You are just too good to be true! Scott, that's why you are my "favorite idol" indeed!