from Jill, Des, Linda, Jodi & Mamma Savol

A True American Idol - Scott - Scotty by Jill Miller
Sexy Guy
Velvety Smooth Voice
Comical Sense of Humor
Forever The True Main Event
Devoted Father And Son
Rochelle's Loving Man
Scott Savol
With a voice smooth as honey
He came on the scene
And captured our hearts
Whether aged or teen
A bit of a dark horse
Was what Simon said
But the light that surrounds him
Shone thru in his stead
After pouring his heart out
With emotion thru song
He would stand his ground listening
To what he did wrong
He would follow this up
With a smile and a wink
Not seeming to care
What 'ole Simon did think
He wouldn't give up
His fans got him to five
Then he furthered the plans
To keep his dream alive
The tour was such fun
And tho tired and weary
He would greet all his fans
With a smile that was cheery
Whether giving out hugs
Or just signing his name
He was still his own man
Never changed by the fame
I can't wait for his CD
And of course his first tour
Where he'll wow me again
With that voice that's so pure
So from his start back in Cleveland
He has shown without doubt
That he listened to Randy
Baby, he worked it out!
You lit up our pathway
with determination and care
Just an everyday guy
with a Dream you could share
Your magical voice
Sometimes brought us to tears
we could let down our guard
And drain out all our fears
As a God given light
Shined on you from above
You would point to the heavens
And acknowledge the Love
I was so lucky
To get one of your hugs
And your beautiful smile
Gave my heart stings some tugs
Now the first stage is over
And a new one begins
Put behind your losses
And embrace all the wins
Life can be difficult
But as hard as it seems
You encourage us all
To Keep Believing Our Dreams!
The Man of the Hour by: Des Vermuelen
For the very first time I saw him on American Idol there was this connection. I knew from the moment that I saw him that he was special and I was right. Before Scott sang, I fell for him. I knew I was suppose to vote for him. This was before he sang too. After hearing his voice, I was even more amazed, an angel singing right there on the television. The overwhelming gut feeling, the connection led me to the Internet. This is when I looked for any & everything about Scott Savol. I just needed to know more & more & just so badly wanted to tell him that I just want to be your friend. That I know it's meant to be only that, nothing more nothing less, just a friend.
When I found out that Mama & Aunt Janet was setting up for us to be able to come to the concert in Cleveland & the BBQ I knew come high to hell water I was going to be there. I had to take that opportunity to tell Scott how great he was. How much by him just being up on that stage every week singing his heart out for all of us made such an impact in my life. Gave me something to look forward to each & every week. Just to thank him for pursuing his dream & by his dream coming true he helped so many other people.
When I met him, Oh My God! I was so right. He is so special. Eventhough he was just like the rest of us down to earth, just hanging out. But when the time came for me to talk to him & tell him thank you & let him know how much he is the best. He was so sincere when he said, "Thank you." When you spoke to him, he looked at you in your eyes & you can tell he was letting each & every word you spoke soak in & he actually listened. He didn't just hear your words, he listened to them. That is what I loved. This whole experience for me is just so unbelievable. There are no words on the face of the earth that can describe what all of Scott means to me. It's not just Scott but it's the whole family that are wonderful. And I will continue loving Scott's music for years to come. And I will continue my friendship with his family. THANK YOU SCOTT FOR EVERYTHING!!!
Meeting Scott by: Linda Barton
I met Scott first at the Dawg Pound BBQ in several hugs there...:) then I saw the first concert there in Cleveland too. Then I was lucky enough to get to go to the concert in Salt Lake City and was able to go back after the concert and meet the idols and met up with Scott there also. Got a couple more hugs from him too...:) As for the gift, I got him a hat from the University of Nevada Reno and some jerky that was made in a small town here in Nevada and some cashews. I was instructed to give the gifts to the head of security so I hope he gave them to Scott.
(Back in Cleveland) I had such a great time...Bern & Whitney are just wonderful...they made me feel so welcome. We met Mama & Papa Savol, Scott, Rochelle & her daughter, Aunt Janet & Gracie, Chris & Tom, Stacy & Vinnie & Tao for dinner on Saturday. Had a great meal there & afterwards we all went to the Savol's house for coffee & dessert. Tao made some dvd of Scott's performances so we went down memory lane, was a great evening. Then on Sunday we all went to the game. Let me tell you, Scott was AWESOME singing the National Anthem...he blew me away. I was able to get it on my digital camera. I sure hated to come home but I did miss Glade very much & of course my little Lizzie.
2008 Dawgpound Reunion Observation by: Jodi Van Dyke
It all started on Friday, the party began,
the gathering of family, friends, and true fans.
All were there to support Scott, our musical man.
He personally couldn't be there, but hopefully next year he can.
This year God must have had a different plan.
To connect to each other, the other people and Scott strive.
With the video stream live the party thrived.
On Saturday, awhile after I arrived,
I recited a poem to Scott through the camera showing him that my dream also has drive.
And letting him know how his inspiration has helped me keep it alive.
A lot of waves to the camera saying hi.
A lot of people just nonchalantly walking by.
A lot of basic "Scott, I love you's" until I die.
With no further questions as to why.
There were door prizes and gift baskets brought to be won.
There was a money board and raffle that Stacey and Chrissy helped run.
People were entertained by some speaking, music, and karaoke fun.
Smiles extended when we got to talk on the phone to Mama & Papa Savols's oldest son.
Playin' drinking games, the people began to cheer,
trying to have even more fun than last year.
Talking amongst other things about the wish that Scott and Rochelle could be here.
but the God given love felt around enabled the disappointment to slowly disappear.
There was also a potluck of grub that we ate,
many choices to make and a lot of cake to be put on your plate.
Scott's autographed cds were available at an affordable rate
and for Scott a Dawg Pound member signed calendar earnestly awaits.
On Sunday was a little action, but unfortunately also this year's gathering's end.
However it's just the continuation of nationwide support for Scott Savol, our dear friend.
Where Has My Little Boy Gone by: Cathy Savol
Where has my little boy gone?
With his eye aglow and his smiles so bright,
Seems I tucked him into bed only last night.
Where has my little boy gone?
With his infectious laugh, forever at play,
Did I walk him to school only yesterday?
Where has my little boy gone?
My little boy has grown up and become a man.
I remember when the journey just began.
Where has my little boy gone?
My little boy has a little boy of his own,
And neither of them will ever be alone.
Where has my little boy gone?
He used to sing in the kitchen just for me,
Now in front of millions, he sings on TV.
Where has my little boy gone?
He went from Cleveland to Hollywood
Where in front of thousands, proud he stood!
Where has my little boy gone?
He has gone coast to coast to entertain
With a schedule that sometimes seemed insane.
Where has my little boy gone?
My little boy has a new woman in his life
Soon she will become his loving wife.
Where has my little boy gone?
My little boy has grown up on me,
But he'll live forever in my memory.
I love you, Scott...Mom