This is it, my wonderful experience with Scott.
I saved the best for last because I spent a long time with him than any of the other idols. I was finally meeting my man, my idol, my Scott! A few weeks ago, I was so jealous of my friends who were at the Savols for some BBQ & Cleveland concert. Others got to talk to him too on the phone who weren't present but poor old me, I was just wondering, when will I ever meet him? But it's my turn now. This is it, my wonderful experience with Scott.
Peter: Scott, this is Elizabeth.
Oochie: Aloha Scott! I'm Elizabeth & this is my husband Peter. (Got my much awaited hug from Scott, he was sweaty & all but I didn't care, I was hugging my man, Scott & it was a long, tight & sincere good hug!)
Scott: Oh, thank you, thank you so much for the shirt & the shell lei too. Did you receive the picture in the mail?
Oochie: No I didn't. When did you mail it? (then it dawned on me, he's thinking thru email & I was thinking regular mail). Oh, yes, I received it from your mom through the yahoo groups. You had a wonderful time in Cleveland.
Scott: That was awesome, I had fun that day.
Oochie: Can you sign some pictures for me?
Scott: Yeah, sure.
Oochie: Can you sign the one in the back too? Sorry they're back to back, cuz they originally were fans with a stick but the wooden stick had to be removed at the entrance, they wouldn't allow it. I have a couple more for you.
Scott: Where do you want me to sign them? (I pointed somewhere at the bottom so it wouldn't cover his face.)
Oochie: All of you are here tonight except for Bo..
Scott: Yeah, ever since he hurt his foot, he hasn't been to any of the meet & greet.
Peter: Is it a hard cast?
Scott: No, it's an air cast. He saw a doctor today for a checkup before the concert tonight.
Peter: Wish he had some time to go to our office for some therapy. Maybe later on he'll need it.
Oochie: How's your dad? Is his knee doing much better? Did he had some therapy?
Scott: Yeah, I think 2 weeks after his surgery he started having some therapy. He had a total knee replacement & he had one done last year too.
Oochie: How about you, no carpal tunnel syndrome yet from signing a lot of autographs?
Scott: Thank God, no.
Peter: How old is your dad?
Scott: He's (thinking....) 55 yrs old. He just turned 55 this year.
Peter: I'm only 54 & that's pretty young to have both total knee replacements.
Scott: I know cuz of his weight, I know it's not good for any of us.
Peter: We're both Italians ie Paisans.
Scott: Half Italian.
Oochie: Have you checked any of your websites? I made one for you.
Scott: No I haven't done much cuz of the tour. I'm having a hard time logging onto my new apple laptop. I used to have an HP laptop. We'll be off on Friday, I'll have time to check out your website. (Scott wrote his email address at the back of one of the pics he signed.)
Oochie: Your Mamma & your Auntie Janet have visited it & signed in my guestbook. Hope you sign it too.
Scott: Send me the link & I'll have time to do that on Friday.
Scott: Thanks again for the shirt.
Oochie: Does it fit right?
Scott: It's perfect, at first I wasn's sure about the shirt but I like it, only thing is the length seems a little short but it fits right. Thank you for the shirt.
Oochie: So after tonight, you'll be in....?
Scott: Tomorrow's Las Vegas & then we're off on Friday then San Jose on Saturday.
Oochie: Must be exhausting for all of you. Where were you last night though?
Scott: We were in Texas, it's pretty tiring, can't wait for it to be over.
Oochie: Well, you're halfway there. The tour ends on Sept 10, so almost halfway.
Scott: I know a couple more weeks on the road.
Oochie: I'm glad all of you were here tonight at the meet & greet. I hope Bo will be okay for the rest of your tour.
Scott: Yeah I know.
Oochie: How's Rochelle?
Scott: She's doing fine.
Oochie: When the tour is over, what's your next step?
Scott: I'll be concentrating on my own stuff, can't wait to get that going. (somewhere in the middle of our conversation, a lady kept coming by to check if Scott was free & asked him to join her friends. But Scott stayed with us & told them courteously he'll be there when he can.)
Oochie: Scott, before you go, I brought you something.
Scott: Thank you. What is it?
Oochie: Some macadamia nut chocolates from Hawaii.
Scott: Oh good, I'll probably have this tonight back at the hotel.
Oochie: Well, get some good rest & have a safe trip & enjoy the rest of the tour.
Scott: Thanks for coming & thank you so much for the shirt.
(I got another long hug from Scott & sincerely thanked me again for his shirt.)