Scott's words of wisdom, the lucky number 5 and many more...
(He said these words of wisdom before or after each song, can you match them to the songs below?)
"I got the voice, I got the look, I got the confidence, I got the personality."
"I wanna give him the kind of life that I didn't have."
"The determination I have to get through this competition & go to the top without anyone stopping me, the only thing that will stop me is myself if I come without my 100%."
"Let's go do this thing, man."
"I'm up here & millions of people didn't have the nerve to do this so I think I rocked!"
"I represent the average person...If you go to Cleveland, you'll probably see a million of me walking around."
I'm my own man."
"I want to move & I want the people to move. I want them the feel of having a good time."
"I'm the real rocker in this competition!"
"I'm still confident now regardless of what happens."
"It kinda fit my life so I decided to do it."
"WOOF... WOOF... WOOF!!!"
Lucky Number 5
Scott was on American Idol 2005
He was in the Top 5
He was number 502 in the audition
There are 5 letters in his first name
There are 5 letters in his last name
His son Brandon is 5
He started singing at the age of 5
He was voted off in the 5th month (May)
All AI judges have 5 letters in their names (Simon, Paula, Randy)
Scott's parents name have 5 letters on them (Eddie & Cathy)
Why I Love Scott
(to borrow some of the verses from his songs, here's why I love Scott)
"You're everything I need & more"
"A thousand kisses from you is never too much"
"Long ago & oh so far away, I fell in love with you before the second show"
"You'll never be denied everlasting love"
"Leaving just your picture behind & I've kissed it a thousand times"
"You take a piece of me with you everytime you say goodbye"
"Now it's up to me, oh what will be"
"They say there's always magic in the air"
"I feel like this is the beginning, though I loved you for a million years"
"This is my quest to follow that star, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far"
"I gave my best to you, nothing for me to do..."
"There's nothing left here to remind me, just the memory of your face"
"If I have to beg for your sympathy, I don't mind cuz you mean that much to me..."
"Then up the stairs he would carry me & I knew for sure I was loved"
"A ribbon in the sky for our LLLLOOOOOOVVVVEEEE"
Scott Madness
AI4 was definitely SCOTTagious! Every Tuesday night, no one dares to interrupt me while I watch my favorite idol, Scott perform. With the official "Seacrest Out" announced at the end of the show, I was ready to "duel" with my cell & land line phones for 2 hours. For all those who have experienced a SCOTT-a-fever, SCOTTilytis, SCOTT-a-have-you moment, you can't deny that you are now a SCOTTaholic! Here are my list of things why we know we belong to the Dawg Pound & will always remain a Scott Savol Fan.
1. Your music alarm is Scott singing "...I get up in the morning & look in the mirror..."
2. You have a framed autographed picture of Scott by your night stand.
3. You turn on your Scott Savol MP3s loud enough to hear while you take a shower.
4. Having breakfast & reading all the Scott articles in the papers and magazines.
5. You have an American flag & a banner that reads, "GOD BLESS AMERICA ESPECIALLY MY IDOL SCOTT SAVOL" by your front porch.
6. You go to work wearing a black cap, white T-shirt, baggy jeans & dog tag necklace.
7. During your lunch break, you check your emails for some current Scott postings.
8. You look at your watch & wonder what Scott is doing.
9. You do a bit of (dancing) exercise while watching some of your downloaded Scott videos.
10. You go to the other sites & get nasty with the Scott bashers.
11. You had your sofa re-upholstered to a white velvet fabric.
12. Your throw pillows now have the fabric iron on images of Scott.
13. You made an appointment to see a fortune teller to find out if you & Scott have a future together.
14. Your wardrobe consists of 3X-4X white t-shirts & sports jerseys.
15. You have a dozen collection of plain black caps.
16. You've added Scott's pictures in your family photo album.
17. You also have a picture of Scott in your wallet.
18. You marked April 30 in your calendar as a special day (Scott's Birthday).
19. You made a scrapbook for Scott.
20. You made a website for Scott (done!)
21. Instead of saying, "See you later!" you take off you glasses, wink & blow a kiss.
22. You say, "SCOTT-CHOO" when you sneeze.
23. Your coffee mugs have Scott's pictures on them.
24. Instead of nodding in agreement, you say, "WOOF!!!"
25. Your voice mail has the following message: "OMG...OMG YOU PRESSED 1, YOU MUST BE SCOTT!!!" otherwise, you'll be disconnected...GOOD-BYE!"
Ameraiken - Clay Aiken fans
Anwarriors - Anwar fans
Baby V - Vonzell
Bice Squad - Bo fans
BOte - time to vote for Bo
BOtiful - handsome Bo
Care Bears - Carrie fans
Constipated - derogatory name for Constantine
Dawgpound - Scott fans
Fallen Idol - Corey Clark
Fanzell - Vonzell fans
Fedians - Anthony fans (Canadian)
Greekilicious - Constantine Maroulis
Greek God Groupies - Constantine fans
Houdini - Simon's term for Scott
Insipid - Simon's comment, boring or flat
Jazzie - AI3 Top 3 Finalist Jasmine Trias
Moxie - Paula's description of Scott, having determination & energy
Nadia Nation - Nadia fans
Nikkoholics - people addicted to Nikko
Savolution - Scott fans
Scottaholics - people addicted to Scott
Scotty the Body - Ryan's nickname for Scott
The Fedoration - Anthony fans
The Sierra Mists - Jessica fans
The Turnettes - Nadia fans
Velvet Teddy Bear - Reuben Studdard
Vonzies - Vonzell fans
White Velvet - Scott Savol
Woof Woof - Dawg Pound's sign of approval