About Me

My name is Elizabeth A Chirico. I never thought that I would become passionate about photography until I was recruited by my mom in the early eighties to join Kameradare Camera Club. I took up basic photography courses and seminars and applied these skills in manipulating with my then manual Nikon FM2 camera. I do not rely on fancy cameras. I like to observe the world around me. I like to experiment and take various shots of a certain subject until it pleases me. Being in the right place at the right time is very important in the overall result of your photograph. I was very fortunate to have met various talents in my early days and have preserved what I've learned from my pioneers and advisers. I'm not into surreal, graphics, product/commercial or studio shots. I prefer to take photographs of scapes, aerial shots, nature and something out of the ordinary. Now that photography has taken technology into a different whole spectrum, I can also easily share them through various social media platforms, thus forming my online photo group on Facebook called iPicture. I have gathered enough photographs to showcase on this website and share them with you. I also recently wrote a book about my photographs ... "iWrite as iPicture."
Exhibits, Participations, Awards, and Merits
From Grains to Pixels January 2020, Solaire Hotel, Manila ; National Photography Week, January 1988, Harrison Plaza, Manila ; Landscapes of Imagination, August 1987, Diviana Gallery, Manila ; National Photography Week, January 1986, Harrison Plaza, Manila ; Astral Interiors, March 1984, Greenhills Mall, Manila ; National Photography Week, January 1984, Harrison Plaza, Manila ; Scapes, September 1983, Metropolitan Theatre Gallery, Manila ; First National Photographic Congress, June 1983 ; Philippine International Convention Center, Manila ; Larawan, January 1983, Ali Mall, Quezon City ; Anilao, May 1982, Holiday Inn, Manila
2012 TOUCH (tv series starring Kiefer Sutherland) Global Connections Photo Contest (NY USA) ; 2010 Anthony Bourdain’s Medium Raw Essay Challenge (NY USA), 2009 Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature, Poetry Division (Philippines), 1999 Hawaii’s Treasured Isles Contest by Kapalua Nature Society and Hawaii Magazine (HI USA); 1993 Best of Photography 13th Annual Photographer’s Forum Book (CA USA), 1992 Poetry.com Contest (MD USA), 1985 Canon Asia International Photo Contest (Hong Kong)
Awards and Merits
iPicture Facebook Group - Photobomb, First Place & Third Place, April 2016 ; Special Effects, Honorable Mention, March 2016 ; Still Life, Third Place, November 2015 ; Automobiles, First Place and Second Place, August 2015 ; Open Subject (2) Second Place, July 2015 ; Old People, Third Place, June 2015 ; Shapes, Third Place, February 2015 ; Candid, Honorable Mention, January 2015 ; Contrast, Second Place, August 2014 ; Open Subject, Third Place, July 2014 ; Pets, First Place and Honorable Mention, May 2014 ; Food, First and Second Place, March 2014 ; Yuletide Season, Honorable Mention, December 2013 ; Clouds, First 2013 ; Open Subject, Second Place, July 2013 ; Humor, Second Place, May 2013 ; Photo Essay, Second Place, April 2013 ; Sunrise/Sunset, First Place, March 2013 ; Pasko, First Place and Honorable Mention, December 2012 ; Flowers, Third Place, October 2012 ; Architecture, Second Place, June 2012 ; Scapes, First Place, February 2012 ; Color, Second Place, October 2011 ; Various Hall of Fame Top 24 between 2011-2014
Kameradare Camera Club - Open Subject, First Place, April 1988 ; Architectural Interiors, Second Place, May 1987 ; Open Subject, Third Place, March 1987 ; Sixth Place Top Ten Photographers of the Year, December 1985 ; Eight Place Top Ten Photographers of the Year, Dec 1983 ; Reflections, First Place, March 1983 ; Flowers, Landscapes, First Place, Dec 1982 ; Human Interest, First Place, May 1982 ; Sunset, Second Place, Oct 1981 ; Glassware, Third Place Sept 1981
Others - 2012, TOUCH (tv series starring Kiefer Sutherland) Global Connections “Fate Theme” photo selected as a Finalist, mosaic billboard photo displayed at Times Square NY ; 2002, My Keiki (My Child) poem selected as a semi-finalist in the International Open Poetry Contest and also selected for publication sponsored by poetry.com for its unique perspective and artistic vision, USA ; 1993, Best of Photography Book, Photographer’s Forum Magazine Award of Excellence, USA ; 1986, A Wish Upon a Star, Honorable Mention, B/W Category, Canon Asia International Photo Contest, Hongkong; 1983, Chapel-Altar Design, First and Second Place, College of the Holy Spirit, Manila
Short Bio
Seattle Filmworks School of Photography
Bachelor of Fine Arts graduate major in Interior Design at the College of the Holy Spirit, Manila Phils
Two-year Engineering course at the University of Santo Tomas, Manila Phils
Associate Editor for Consumers Guide Magazine, Manila Phils
Design, Arts and Photography Professor at the University of the East, Manila Phils
Photo Editor at Chas Peloso Photography and Carousel Children's Portraiture, CA USA
Administrative Assistant at Dynamic Physical Therapy, CA USA
Co-Owner at Paradise Palms Bed & Breakfast, HI USA
Website Designer (WHHS 1968, iPicture, Paradise Palms B&B, Kameradare, MiFamiglia, Kameradare Images, Dynamic Physical Therapy, Scott Savol, CHS 1984)
Creator of iPicture, SPCM 78, CHS 1984, Kameradare, Mi Famiglia and Celebrating Mama's Life on FB Groups/Pages
Books by Elizabeth A Chirico
Doon Po Sa Amin
Buhay Estudyante
Valdefuente Days
Super Halloween Adventures
All for Trump and Trump for All
Maid in Hawaii
Talambuhay at Kung Ano-Ano Pa
iWrite as iPicture
Bourdain and the Afterlife
The Dossier Conspiracy (License to Lie)
The Traveling Senior
The Abandoned Cabin
The Chinese Virus Conspiracy: Trump's Worst Nightmare
Castle's Room 210
Talk Story