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50 Signs That You’re Italian


From the smell of garlic in the morning to wearing an Italian horn, to dodging slippers, you are not alone. This just means you grew up in an Italian-American household! Here are 30 signs that you and all Italians can relate to!

1.  Your last name ends in a vowel.

2.  Even if you aren't fluent in Italian, you still know every curse word there is.

3.  You use hand gestures a lot. Even when you are on the phone and the person you are talking to can't see you.

4.  No one can cook like your grandma. And if you don't eat your grandma's food, she'll be offended.

5.  You carry your lunch in a produce bag because you can't fit two cappicola sandwiches, 4 oranges, 2 bananas and pizzelles into a regular lunch bag.

6.  You know when you say goodbye it’s going to be a few more hours…

7.  Waking up to the smell of garlic and basil is normal to you.

8. If you're a true Italian, you know Olive Garden is not real Italian food.

9.  Your family is huge. And you don't even know half of them.

10. Growing up, you ate pasta at least 3 or more times a week, and on Sundays.

11.  You thought every meal had to be eaten with a piece of bread.

12. The wooden spoon isn't just for cooking and you’ve most likely become an expert at dodging shoes and slippers.

13. Chances are you have at least one male relative named Tony, Sal, Joe or Frank.

14.  There is no such thing as one course for dinner.

15. Your parents explained the difference between Northern, Southern Italians and Sicilians.

17.  You also hate it when people pronounce Italian words wrongs. It is not RICK-OTTA or MOTZ-ARELLA.

18. Pizza is one of your favorite, if not your favorite food. And nothing is better than homemade pizza from your grandma.

19.  If you don't have leftovers, you didn't make enough food.

20. Your whole family knows everyone's business. There are no secrets kept in the Italian family.

21.  You thought Catholic was the only religion in the world.

22. You have at least one statue or framed pictured of a saint, and definitely at least one cross in your household.

23. You don't eat meat on Christmas Eve, or most Fridays for that matter.

24. You probably drank wine before you were even a teenager, and they called it "grape juice."

25. You make it known that Italians are the best.

26. You leave the house with the light on instead of turning it off.

27. You’re not afraid to mangia!

28. You know that Sundays are for sugo!

29. Nutella is a staple item in your home.

30. Your Nonno loves his garden more than anything in the world.

31.  Your Nonna doesn’t stop to sit and eat because she’s too busy serving everyone else!

32.  If something bad has happened, it must be the malocchio!

33.  There’s plastic on your Nonna’s couch.

34.  You value respect.

35.  You only have two volumes: Loud and LOUDER.

36. When you start to see the Panettone come out, you know it’s Christmas time!

37.  You started drinking wine at age 10, most likely mixed with 7 Up!

38.  You or someone in your family bites their hand when angry.

39.  Your parents are very protective.

40.  You ate pastina as a child.

41.   You prononce meatball "ameataball."

42.  You actually know people with names like "Tony the shoe" or "Marty the heart."

43.  NOBODY makes better meatballs than your mother.

44. When EVERYTHING you cook is enough to feed at least 10 people.

45. When you spend your entire adulthood trying every meat sauce that crosses your path and complaining each time that NOTHING tastes like dear old Grandma's sauce, God rest her soul.

46.  You have calabrese sausage poker nights with the fellas.

47.  When you eat your apple by carving off one piece at a time with your pocket knife and eat each piece right off the knife blade. (tm Grandpa Pietro)

48.  If someone in your family grows beyond 5' 9", it is presumed his Mother had an affair.

49. You can bench press 325 pounds, shave twice a day and still cry when your mother yells at you.

50. All five of those cousins are named after your grandfather or grandmother.

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