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50 Signs That You’re Filipino


1.  You point with your lips

2.  Your other piece of luggage is a "Balikbayan Box"

3.  You nod your head upwards to greet someone

4.  You put your foot up on your chair and rest your elbows on your knees while you eat

5.  You add an unwarranted 'H' to your name: Jhun, Bhoy, Rhon...

6.  You draw a rectangle in the air when asking for the bill, which never fails to baffle the restaurant staff

7.  Your middle name is your mom's maiden name  

8.  You use shopping bags as garbage bags

9.  You always offer food to your visitors

10. You prefer to sit in the shade instead of basking in the sun

11. You refer to refrigerator as 'ref', 'Frigidare', or "pridyider"

12. You order 'McDonalds' instead of hamburger, which you pronounce 'ham-boor-jer'

13. You say 'Ha?' instead of 'what?'

14. You say 'he' when you mean 'she' and vice versa

15. You say 'for a while' instead of 'Please hold' on the telephone

16. You say 'kodakan' instead of take a picture 

17. You say 'comfort room' instead of bathroom

18. You ask for 'Colgate' instead of toothpaste

19. You say 'Hoy!' to get someone's attention

20. You answer when someone yells 'Hoy!'

21. You use 'walis tambo' and 'walis ting-ting' as opposed to a conventional broom

22. You own a karaoke machine

23. You own a piano that no one ever plays

24. You have a portrait of the Last Supper hanging on your dining room wall

25. You have a 'tabo' in your bathroom

26. You have 'parol' displayed during the holidays

27. You cover your living room furniture with bed sheets

28. Your lampshades still have plastic covers on them

29. You have plastic runners to cover your carpets

30. You have fly swatter in your kitchen

31. You have a Santo Nino shrine in your living room

32. You own a rice dispenser

33. There's Angelique eyeliner and Johnson's Baby Powder compacts lurking in your makeup drawer

34. You use Perla soap on your face

35. You have several pairs of 'tsinelas' at your doorstep

36. You own a Mercedes Benz and call it a 'Chedeng'

37. You have a rosary on your car rear view mirror

38. You use an umbrella for a shade on hot summer days

39. Your dad or uncle was in the Navy

40. Your mom or sister is a Nurse

41. You have aunt & uncle named Baby, Girlie or Boy

42. You know someone with a name that repeats itself, i.e. Jon-Jon, Len-Len, Jong-Jong, or Bing-Bing

43. You order breakfast items like tapsilog, longsilog, or tocilog at restaurants

44. Your cupboard is full of corned beef hash, spam and vienna sausage

45. You order a 'soft drink' instead of soda

46. You use your fingers to measure the water when cooking rice

47. You fry Spam and hotdogs and eat them with rice

48. You eat rice for breakfast

49.You use the dishwasher as a dish rack.

50.You unwrap Christmas gifts very carefully, so you can save and reuse the wrapping (and especially those bows) next year.

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