"Life is but a cycle...from birth til death and back to Our Creator." --- Oochie

It is hard to accept that you are not here with us anymore. I should have flown home last Dec 2019 so I could be there with you, Sis & Bro to celebrate your last Christmas. We could have been together with our Kameradare friends during the opening of our photo exhibit at Solaire last Jan 2020.
I wish I knew of the tragic event that was about to happen worldwide. You complained about the pandemic, the quarantine, the lockdown, the restrictions and chaos everywhere. I was thankful that you were safe at home even if it made you crazy of boredom. Wished you were here with us enjoying the beautiful mountains, the relaxing chirping of the birds, the strong scent of the Plumeria flowers from our trees, the sound of the waves and the balmy breeze.
Peter & I were happy to finally convinced you to come and visit us even if you insisted that it won't go over a month. Of course you had regrets when it was too short and you wished you stayed a bit longer. You also had fun visiting TJ & Annlou plus our road trip to Monterey CA. That was from Dec 27, 2018 - Feb 2, 2019. The last time we saw you.
You painted our garden during your free time in the afternoon. I wanted you to have one of them to bring home but you insisted that I should keep them all. I was cutting a couple of papayas from our tree and I started to cry. I can hear you whisper, "Save those seeds and send some home so I can plant them." The papaya tree will always remind me of you.
We both share the same passion in photography and the arts. I'm glad that we bonded many times during our Kameradare photo hunt trips. You loved life and your vocation in teaching was something extraordinary. You nurtured your students and enjoyed being with them. You put people first before yourself. You love the dogs and cats at home. The Siamese stray cat (no name) is always looking at the window and waiting for you to feed him. It has been a week since he last saw you. Sis brought you back in a box, in a sealed urn with your ashes.
The house is eerily quiet. The rain has been nonstop for 2 weeks now. Even nature is mourning. Sis, JJ, Sig, Me-An, the 2 boys, the cats and dogs are just by themselves. Your presence is still there but it won't ever be the same again. You were the life of that old home in Manila.I reminded Sis and Me-An to always look after your plants.
Give a big hug to Daddy, Lolo, Lola, Tito Mado, Tito Quintin, Tito Amang, Inday and the countless souls of our relatives and friends. I know they have waited for you for some time. Life is a celebration. It is a journey. Death is a part of life. And most of all, the afterlife is the greatest journey. We will all go and experience the same path.
M - more than you'll ever know I
A - admire your every single way
M - memories of my childhood's past shall
A - always be close at bay ...
Thank you for everything. We love you. We will miss you. Until we meet again.